Category: Research
Hearing in the Soup
Achin Bhowmik calls it “soup”, his apt analogy for a noisy environment such as a restaurant or cocktail party. Starkey’s Chief Technology Officer and Executive…
Sex and Hearing Aids
That got your attention. The psychological impact of hearing loss is well documented. Depression being the number one symptom. Frankly, that’s not particularly surprising since…
“Ant work” is uncovering secrets of human hearing
Dr. Ana Bélen Elgoyhen and her colleagues are doing what she calls the “ant work” in the lab at Argentina’s National Scientific & Technical Research…
Hearing Down Under
Even to my failing ears the effect is stunningly immersive.
Hearing Loss, Hair Cells & Hope
Hearing aids help, and I couldn’t function without them. But for those of us afflicted by sensorineural (age related) hearing loss there is now the…
Hearing with Your Tongue
Putting words into your mouth, literally.
Iron and Hearing Loss
An important new study reveals a tantalizing new clue about hearing loss.
Stanford University & Hope for a Hearing Loss Cure
“In the last five years the pharmaceutical industry has woken up and there are now about 30 biotech companies right now focused on finding a cure for some forms of hearing loss.” – Prof. Stefan Heller
FDA Fast Tracks Review of AM-111
More hope on the horizon for those of us suffering from sensorineural hearing loss. Auris, a Swiss biopharmaceutical company, is developing a promising drug called…
A Breakthrough in Curing Hearing Loss?
Another promising development in research into restoring hearing.