Author: Digby Cook
Livio AI and the Dawn of a New Era
“I am well on the way to becoming a cyborg.”
Hearing Hope in Africa
Imagine you live in a remote village in Africa. You’re struggling with hearing loss, and becoming increasingly isolated from family and friends. You don’t have…
“Ant work” is uncovering secrets of human hearing
Dr. Ana Bélen Elgoyhen and her colleagues are doing what she calls the “ant work” in the lab at Argentina’s National Scientific & Technical Research…
Looking For A Quiet Ride
“I was having trouble hearing in my car. Would new tires help?”
Hearing Help for TV
Having trouble hearing the TV? Well, the answer is “yes” for pretty much anyone who has hearing loss. But a nifty app called Tunity may…
Hearing Down Under
Even to my failing ears the effect is stunningly immersive.
LiNX 3D and the Future of Hearing Aids
I am always on the hunt for leading edge hearing aids. This is another in my series of reviews.
Ava Is My New Friend
Captions for the real world right on your phone.
Hope for Restoring Hearing Loss
“The question is not if we will regenerate hair cells in humans, but when” – Peter Barr-Gillespie
Hearing Loss, Hair Cells & Hope
Hearing aids help, and I couldn’t function without them. But for those of us afflicted by sensorineural (age related) hearing loss there is now the…